
Kızkalesi manicipality,bound to Mersin-Erdemli,63km away from Mersin,23km from Erdemli,27km from Silifke, D-400 way passes in it and also it is the manucipality which forms the border between Erdemli and Silifke.In summer season you have a change to find a bus where you want to go per 5 / 10 / 15 minutes.Also you can hire a car or a motorcycle for travelling or anything else.
Titanic Bistro Bar & Cafe is in the Çetinözyaran Street,Its also near the Hotel Barbarossa in Kızkalesi.
phone no : 0090 324 523 26 69
handy no : 0090 532 613 88 41

Highway: It is connected to all cities with highway.
station no: (+90-324)2381648

Railway: Mersin is together with many cities by means of railway and has international connections.
station no: (+90-324)4513510

Maritime line: There are over 100 ports and maritime line connection.They serve in international quality.From Taşucu Port,expeditions are made regularly with the hovercrafts.
port no: (+90-324)2333272

Airway: Adana Şakir Paşa Airport is 129km to Kızkalesi,106km to Erdemli and plane expeditions are made to domestic and abroad regularly.

Bus firms in Kızkalesi Has, Özkaymak, Şimşek Seyahat, Silifke Birer